IT is really strange how one start to miss something or someone, only when it is no longer there - like how I am missing school now. Yup, I know that is it strange, considering that I would usually be the most happy lad when the school bell rings everyday.
I really do miss the things we do every morning. Like how we need to sing the school song every morning. Not because I like the whole ceremony, but because I seriously do think that our school song is quite catchy and I also enjoy the moment where thousands over voices singing together in unison.
I also miss trauncy. I miss the mornings where we went to have our breakfast, before jumping into the school. I miss the times when we get caught, and we ran like hell. I bet we break the school record at that moments. And seriously, why and who the hell voted me as class monitor. Give me back my 365 days! I haven't had enough of jumping across that damn wall!
And yup, I miss the times when we played football at the end of the class. Thou I am the worst player the school could ever produce, I enjoy scoring goals - for my opponents.
So tell me, do you miss school like I do? Or am i the only insane person here?